Julia Trut

Senior designer at EPAM
7 years in interface design
60 students of courses
10+ консультацій бізнесам та стартапам
2 потоки курсу Дизайн система
Донатимо на ЗСУ 🇺🇦
Іконка компʼютерної миші біла
Іконка локації біла
Київ, Україна
Donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine 🇺🇦
Іконка компʼютерної миші біла
Іконка локації біла
Lviv, Zamknena St. 9
Віктор Клименко
UX / Interaction designer в EPAM
5 років в дизайні інтерфейсів
450 випускників авторських Figma інтенсивів
Донатимо на ЗСУ 🇺🇦
Іконка компʼютерної миші біла
Іконка локації біла
Київ, Україна


I have experience in creating large Design Systems on several projects. Now on the project I am a “Librarian” of a Design System for a white-label product and its brands. I love working with fellow designers and developers in search of the optimal solution for everyone.
I have the most experience with e-commerce and education projects, I also worked in the product.
Participated in several design schools as a lecturer and mentor.
Designer Julia Trut is 7 years of experience in interface design.

Design Systems



Designer Julia Trut


Designer at EPAM, 3,5 years
ex-UI/UX Designer at LaSoft
7 years in interface design
Taught and mentored 20+ students
Participated in 10 workshops as a facilitator
Held 30+ lectures
Перемогла в хакатоні ‘Genesis Design Week Hackathon’ by Genesis Tech
Перемогла в хакатоні ‘Esports charts Challenge’ at Sports and Entertainment Hackathon
Конференція Design Backstage – 10 спікерів, 200 слухачів
Юлія Трут дизайн карʼєра


Julia is a Design System guru who pays special attention to details. She always studies the context of the task and explores the problem before designing. Julia consistently demonstrates excellent skills of self-organization, making design quickly and efficiently, thoughtfully prioritizes.
Martin Massimo
Lead UX Designer at EPAM
Of course, I would be happy to work with Julia again at any time. Her openness to cooperation, willingness to come to the rescue, attention to detail and flexible approach to work make her a very valuable member of any team. In addition, she is generally a very good person with whom it is a pleasure to work.
Michael Pennington
Product manager at EPAM
I had a wonderful experience of working with Julia on the project. It is very organized, provides fast and high-quality execution of project tasks. In addition, she is always ready to offer help and support when it was needed. I would definitely like to work with her again in the future.
Eliana Hatch
Design Manager at EPAM


Юля Трут хобі походи в гори
I go hiking in the mountains, travel from the age of 15, dance (like hip-hop, but that's how it turns out).
I admire those who run marathons and run a little myself (not marathons).
I haven't eaten meat for 5 years, I read books, I love to ride horses.
Designer Julia Trut

Social Networks

Юлія Трут дизайнерка портрет
Віктор Клименко
UX / Interaction designer в EPAM
exProduct designer в LaSoft
5 років в дизайні інтерфейсів
Навчив 400 дизайнерів на авторських Figma інтенсивах
UX ментор в Projector
Лектор в EPAM Design Laba
Ментор Віктор Клименко